
TALES FROM DICKENS, a series of fourteen films. A CHRISTMAS CAROL; from Great Expectations: MISS HAVISHAM; from The Holly‐Tree: THE RUNAWAYS; from The Pickwick Papers: MR. JINGLE AT DING‐LEY DELL, BARDELL VS PICKWICK, MR. PICKWICK'S DILEMMA, SAM MILLER AND HIS FATHER; from David Copper‐field: DAVID AND HIS MOTHER, DAVID AND MR. MICAWBER, DAVID AND BETSEY TROTWOOD, DAVID AND DORA, DAVID AND DORA MARRIED, THE OLD SOLDIER, URIAH HEEP. 16 mm. 24% minutes each. Sound, Black and white only. $1890 for complete series of 14 or $135 each. Available through Coronet Instructional Films, Coronet Building, Chicago, Illinois 60601. COMPACT FACTS: SPEECH; Fifty‐seven 2½×3½ inch cards. Cost $1.50. Prepared by J. Richardson Johnson. Available through Vis‐Ed—Visual Education Association, Inc., 321 Hopeland Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45408. DEVELOPING READING MATURITY SERIES: THE MATURE READER, No. 1576; CRITICAL EVALUATION, No. 1577; COMPARATIVE READING, No. 1580; UNDERSTANDING STYLE, No. 1579; INTERPRETING MEANING, No. 1578. 16 mm. 11 minutes each. Sound. Color. Cost, $60.00 each. Available through Coronet Instructional Films, Coronet Building, Chicago, Illinois 60601. A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE, No. 317M and 317S; and INCIDENT AT VICHY, No. 318M and 318S. 331/3 R.P.M. Two 12 inch record albums. Four sides each. Produced by the Theatre Recording Society. Available through Caedmon Records, Inc., 505 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10018. THE BERTRAND RUSSELL SERIES: BER‐TRAND RUSSELL DISCUSSES THE ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL, No. 1463; BERTRAND RUSSELL DISCUSSES POWER, No. 1464; BERTRAND RUSSELL DISCUSSES HAPPINESS, No. 1465; BERTRAND RUSSELL DISCUSSES THE FUTURE OF MANKIND, No. 1466; BERTRAND RUSSELL DISCUSSES PHILOSOPHY, No. 1467. 16 mm. 14 minutes each. Sound. Black and White. Cost, $75.00 each. Available through Coronet Instructional Films, Coronet Building, Chicago, Illinois 60601. VOICE AND ARTICULATION: RECORDED EXERCISES, No. 5721. 331/3 R.P.M. Seven 71/2 inch flexible records. Cost $10.50. Recorded by Donald H. Ecroyd, Murray M. Halfond, Carol Chworowsky Towne. Available through Scott, Foresman, and Company, 433 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60601. SPEAK UP FOR AMERICA, No. 2005. 331/3 R.P.M. 12 inch record. Cost $6.00. Available through Edward M. Miller and Associates, Inc., 518–24 McKay Tower, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502.

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