
This article describes the creation and use of audio media containing scientific journal content. Scientific Journal is a form of news or communication that contains scientific works and is published on schedule in electronic and / or printed form. Scientific journal articles is made to provide useful information and knowledge. Currently most of the higher education institutions have Journal products. The problem that occurs is that the community does not take advantage of this scientific article, journalists are dominated by academics. Students who are supposed to cultivate scientific literacy are less interested in reading scientific journals. The low literacy culture is relevant to the instant culture of the younger generation who tend to be less likely to read. The purpose of this research is to provide an alternative literacy by transferring scientific article media from reading media to listening media. Scientific articles according to published entrepreneurial material are recorded with digital sound technical standards, this product prototype in the form of an Audio Journal can be accessed through all Digital Podcast Providers. Through the Audio Journal, students have easy access to scientific articles anywhere and anytime. This research uses qualitative methods and an interdisciplinary approach. Scientific journals are windows to an ever-evolving science, so that ease of access should be an important principle. The result achieved in this study is an alternative media literacy that is easy and fun for students to access, especially in the Entrepreneurship course. Audio Journal can also be used by people with disabilities to be able to access journals using listening media.Keywords: audio journaling, literacy, science


  • The problem that occurs is that the community does not take advantage

  • journalists are dominated by academics

  • cultivate scientific literacy are less interested in reading scientific journals

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Mata kuliah Entrepreneurship adalah salah satu mata kuliah wajib dalam kurikulum

Program Studi Sarjana (S-1) Pendidikan Musik Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan alih media artikel ilmiah menjadi bentuk jurnal audio untuk mengatasi permasalahan rendahnya budaya literasi baca pada mahasiswa mata kuliah Entrepreneurship Prodi Pendidikan Musik ISI Yogyakarta. Setelah menemukan sebuah permasalahan di mata kuliah Entrepreneurship mengenai rendahnya antusiasme mahasiswa dalam membaca dan meresensi sebuah jurnal, maka observasi awal dan wawancara mulai dilakukan. Wawancara dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mahasiswa mata kuliah Entrepreneurship, praktisi buku audio, dan ahli rekam audio. Tahapan analisis ini ada empat: (1) Pengumpulan data melalui dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi; (2) Reduksi data untuk menentukan data yang relevan dan fokus pada permasalahan; (3) Penyajian data melalui tulisan, gambar, table, grafik, ataupun media audio visual; (4) Penarikan kesimpulan dilakukan selama penelitian untuk menentukan hasil akhir. Proses perekaman dengan narator menggunakan ruang yang representatif yang di desain secara akustik untuk mendapatkan hasil rekam vokal terbaik

Hasil Penelitian
Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra
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