
This study investigated how residents of South-East Nigeria felt about the use of outdoor advertisement by herbal remedies providers to persuade patronage. The survey research method was used to study 384 respondents selected across the five South East states using the purposive sampling technique. The objectives of study are to find the level of exposure of residents in South-East Nigeria to outdoor advertisements made on herbal remedies, to know the extent to which those exposed to the advertisements understand their message as to persuade trails and use, to ascertain how receivers of the advertisements on herbal remedies react to presented messages, and to know if outdoor advertisement of herbal remedies persuade product consumption as measurement for patronage. The study found that oudoor advertsiemnts on herbal remedies persuaded residents of South East States to patronize the products. Among the reecommendations are attractive and infromative packaging of advertised herbal products should be used to differentiate the products and awareness should be created on specific herbal products to make it easier for audience members to make purchasing decision

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