
Besides selling equipments and spareparts for two-wheeled vehicles, NTN Racing Store also sells handicraft products made from water hyacinth. Lately, NTN Racing Store facing challenges in selling its products, as evidence by the unpredictable monthly revenue. The reason is insufficiency of customer purchasing patterns understanding. The impacts are the declining of the marketing and sales performance for creative water hyacinth handicrafts products since 2020. The main purpose of this studi is to identify which products are purchase together by customers in one transaction when shopping for water hyacinth products. Market Basket Analysis is a rule that determines associations between various attributes and is a key application in the retail industry. This method is use to analyze past consumer purchasing behavior to determine items that are frequently purchase together. Its purpose is to uncover relationships between products purchased by customers in a single transaction. On the other hand, Frequent Pattern Growth is an alternative algorithm use to identify the most frequently occurring datasets within a collection of data. The testing results of 435 transactional data points from NTN Racing Store, using 1% minimum support value and 25% minimum confidence value, resulting four association rules within lift ratios above 1 which indicates significant relationships among itemsets. From these evaluation results, customer purchasing patterns can be identifying trough the association analysis rules. This information can assist the store owner in determining bundling packages to sell and to devise store sales strategies.

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