
Introduction The Project Viva Seu Bairro (PVSB) was an initiative developed in six urban regions of the city of Campo Grande MS, from 2001 until 2004, in the areas of greater social risk, identified by the teams of community health and family health agents. The project had as its aim to reduce the social inequalities through actions, which acted on the Social Determinants of Health (SHD). Objective The research tried to know the relation between PVSB and the Social Determinants of Health, as well as to identify the presence of the social participation and the intersectoriality in the developed actions. Material and Methods It is about a research of qualitative approach. Individual interviews were performed with managers of the municipal administration and with technicians from Central Technical Unity, responsible for the project administration. Six focal groups were carried out, one in each urban region that had the initiative implementation, with representatives from the Urban Regional Councils. Moreover, an analysis of the documents related to PVSB was done. The Content Analysis was used for the analysis of the data through the thematic analysis and then the triangulation of the obtained data. Results The results of the research point out a series of actions that occurred to the material and psychosocial conditions in which the people lived and worked, as proposed by the model adopted in the recommendations of the Final Report of the National Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2008). The items most described by the participants were the ones that targeted to assure basic sanitation, appropriate dwelling, employment, health and education services of quality. It was verified the prognostic of the health sector in the breaking of the initiative. Conclusions The social participation was strengthened in the city during and after the initiative. In relation to the intersectoriality, there was a search for partnerships and the recognition, from the government representatives, of the necessity to implement social nets, which however, was not institutionalized as a practice in the municipal administration. The discussion about the sustainability occurred in an insufficient way and the initiative evaluation started one year and a half after its beginning, which compromised the process of evaluation. The research participants recognized that PVSB interfered in the improvement of the local population life quality. It was concluded that PVSB configured as an initiative in the field of health promotion, acted on SHD, strengthened the mechanisms of participation in the CRU and looked for mechanisms of intersectorial action. Descriptors: Social Determinants of Health; Health Promotion; Social Participation; Intersectoriality. [ 39 [ Di git e um a cit ac ao do do cu me nto ou o res um o de um a qu est ao int ere ss ant e. Vo ce po de po sici

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