
The requirement of body silhouette within agreed st andards of beauty has been increasing over the year s. Men and women want a body free of imperfections, and locali zed fat has been one of the biggest reasons demand for treatment in beauty centers , gyms, spas and nutritionists. The Radio Frequency is a technique mainly used for stim ulation and production of collagen, but also generates an energ y that makes the machine reach the layers of fat, t hereby reducing the volume of fat cells and speeding up your metabolism, making it a treatment modern and complete aesthet ic in the loss of waist measurement. The main objective of this re search is to review the literature on radiofrequenc y technique applied in localized fat in the abdomen. For these purposes, several searches were made in scientific articles available in scientific databases. A current research show that technological advances can contribute greatly to im prove aesthetic disorders such as is seen in the use of radio frequ ency.

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