
In distribution segment, logistics activities are more easily perceived as value generating. Among them, the transportation it is highlighted. This study evaluated the shippers’ transportation management in retail service. The motivation of the study is the evidence from the literature that there are differences in management of transport, in terms of attributes of service, according to the client, as well as the format of the demand for transport services and to meet their segments of the supply chains. In the universe of 400 manufacturing companies located in the state of Minas Gerais, 101 were selected as they had a retail account for more than 60% of their sales, which was analyzed as to the desired constructs and attributed evaluation. In general, industrial shippers seem to minimize the importance of logistics in the retail service, giving the transport merely operational functions and not strategic ones. They fail to aggregate the value of logistics to their products and services. The results forwarded to specific management issues relevant such as the relationship between orders fulfillment and problems of internal processes, structure of distribution channels, logistics networks and decisions about to internalizing/outsourcing logistics services. Key words: Service level. Transportation management. Industry-retail relationship.


  • Ricardo Silveira Martins / Wescley Silva Xavier the evidence from the literature that there are differences in management of transport, in terms of attributes of service, according to the client, as well as the format of the demand for transport services and to meet their segments of the supply chains

  • In the universe of 400 manufacturing companies located in the state of Minas Gerais, 101 were selected as they had a retail account for more than 60% of their sales, which was analyzed as to the desired constructs and attributed evaluation

  • Industrial shippers seem to minimize the importance of logistics in the retail service, giving the transport merely operational functions and not strategic ones

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Segundo Neuschel e Russell (1998), a demanda dos serviços de transporte vem passando por transformações oriundas do ambiente concorrencial. Para harmonizar os serviços de transporte com as estratégias logísticas e de marketing, segundo Holter et al (2008), os demandantes do transporte, os chamados embarcadores, baseiam a gestão dos processos do transporte nos aspectos custos de transporte, tempo em trânsito, rastreabilidade da carga, gestão das entregas e o custo total interno de gerenciamento da atividade. Gasse (1982) ressalta que os resultados desse processo são as dificuldades de delegar, consultar e compartilhar atividades com terceiros, a lente voltada mais para a eficácia do que para a eficiência e a predileção excessiva do aproveitamento de oportunidades em detrimento de planejamento, ou seja, não há como esperar uma gestão especializada do transporte. O fator “escala” cria também dificuldades para a construção de um relacionamento mais harmonioso e equilibrado com os operadores de transporte, que permita às empresas internalizar as competências externas e transformá-las em força competitiva dos seus negócios (GRANT, 2005). De acordo com Collis e Hussey (2009), o método indutivo busca generalizar resultados específicos de um ou certo número de casos para todas as ocorrências similares presentes ou futuras

Amostragem e coleta de dados
Natureza das informações
Método de análise
Características gerais das operações dos embarcadores industriais
Número de funcionários
Características desejadas quanto aos serviços de transporte
Atenção a necessidades especiais
Cooperação técnica com clientes
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