
We study multifield inflation in scenarios where the fields are coupled non-minimally to gravity via ξI(ϕI)n gμνRμν, where ξI are coupling constants, ϕI the fields driving inflation, gμν the space-time metric, Rμν the Ricci tensor, and n>0. We consider the so-called α-attractor models in two formulations of gravity: in the usual metric case where Rμν=Rμν(gμν), and in the Palatini formulation where Rμν is an independent variable. As the main result, we show that, regardless of the underlying theory of gravity, the field-space curvature in the Einstein frame has no influence on the inflationary dynamics at the limit of large ξI, and one effectively retains the single-field case. However, the gravity formulation does play an important role: in the metric case the result means that multifield models approach the single-field α-attractor limit, whereas in the Palatini case the attractor behaviour is lost also in the case of multifield inflation. We discuss what this means for distinguishing between different models of inflation.

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