
Objectives of the research were to analyze diversities and compositions of Arthropod on wild crops around the farming land of Chrysanthemum indicum and functional status of the Arthropods. The research was conducted at the farming land of Chrysanthemum indicum, in greenhouse and non-greenhouse at Bumiaji Subdistrict, Batu. Observation on Arthropods used sample plots, 1 x 1 m2, by direct observation method on four variations of time. Collecting data was done by counting the whole Arthropods, which visited the plots of the tested-crops. Community structure of the Arthropods is determined using Shannon-Wienner Diversity Index, while Bray-Curtis Similarity Index is used to compare the composition of Arthropods in greenhouse and non- greenhouse. The arthropods abundance in both farming lands was compared using Kuskall Wallis's and Mann Whitney's tests. Results of the research showed that community of Arthropods on Sonchus arvensis L. has the highest varieties, both at the greenhouse and non-greenhouse, by diversity index (H') values 1.871 and 1.516, respectively. Based on Bray-Curtis Similarity Index, the similarity value of Arthropod's community between both lands was about 0.5928. Based on results of Kruskall Wallis' and Mann Whitney's tests, greenhouse and non-greenhouse treatments have not affected on the arthropods abundance.

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