
New infestations of emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, an invasive pest native to Asia, are difficult to detect until densities build and symptoms appear on affected ash ( Fraxinus spp). We compared the attraction of A. planipennis to ash trees stressed by girdling (bark and phloem removed from a 15 cm wide band around the tree (2003–2005)), vertical wounding (same area of bark and phloem removed in a vertical strip (2004)), herbicide treatment (Pathway applied with a Hypo-Hatchet tree injector (2003) or basal bark application of Garlon 4 (2004, 2005)), exposure to the volatile stress elicitor methyl jasmonate (2005), or left untreated (2003–2005). The number and density of captured adults and density of larvae were recorded for 24, 18, and 18 replicates of each treatment at four, three, and five sites in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively. Girdled trees generally captured more adult A. planipennis and consistently had higher larval densities than untreated trees, and at most sites, than trees stressed by other treatments. Differential attraction to girdled trees was more pronounced at sites with lower densities of A. planipennis. Rates of capture of adults and densities of larvae were higher on trees in full or nearly full sun than on shaded trees. Girdled trees could be a useful tool for use in operational programs to detect or manage localized A. planipennis infestations.

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