
Attraction and pheromonal activity of five major identified components of the male-produced sex pheromone of the Mediterranean fruit flyCeratitis capitata to virgin laboratory-reared females was assessed in a laboratory flight tunnel. Dual-choice competitive assays were run to establish a baseline response of virgin females to live male pheromone, individual components, and an ensemble of all five compounds alone (air control) and competitively against one another. Approximately 50% of the females released in the tunnel were captured on leaf models emitting pheromonal odors from five live males. Over 37% of released females responded to an ensemble of five major identified components presented in individual capillaries. Response of females to individual components was less than 10%. Competitive assays showed the live male-produced pheromone to be more attractive than either the five major component ensemble (FMCE) or individual components. Further research is likely to identify other male-produced compounds with pheromonal activity that could improve development of a pheromone-based trap for monitoring Mediterranean fruit fly populations.

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