
In 2015, a trapping effort was initiated to collect individuals of the polyphagous shot hole borer, Euwallacea nr. fornicatus (Eichhoff), at five sites in northern Vietnam. The traps tested the usage of quercivorol (paramenthenol), a-copaene, cubeb oil, conophthorin, and ethanol as potential lures. These compounds have been effective in collecting individuals in the USA but have not been tested within the species' putative native range. As reported for the USA, the species responded best to the quercivorol lure. Throughout the duration of the study, 21 species were collected. Among them were Ambrosiophilus nodulosus (Eggers, 1941), Beaverium magnus (Niisima, 1910), new combination, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff, 1877, and Xylosandrus discolor (Blandford, 1898), all of which are new country records. Arixyleborus nudulus Smith, Rabaglia, and Cognato, new species, was also collected and is described and illustrated.

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