
Summary form only given. Angstrom and attosecond control of free electron wave packets is one of the pinnacles of attosecond science. Orthogonally polarized two-color (OTC) laser fields allow to control the motion of field-ionizing electronic wave packets both in time and space[1]. In OTC pulses time and space are connected and thus an attosecond time scale is established in the polarization plane for both the emitted and the re-colliding wave packets[2,3].In this submission, we report on experiments that use OTC pulses for studying atomic single and double ionization. The three-dimensional momentum vector of electrons and ions created by single and double ionization of neon atoms was measured with the COLTRIMS technique as a function of the sub-cycle shape of the OTC pulses. We introduce a concept similar to attosecond streaking that allows reading sub-cycle timing information from the momentum vector of emitted electrons. The concept is then applied to gaining information about the influence of the long-range Coulomb potential on the trajectories of tunneling electrons.Fig.1 (a) shows the measured momentum distributions of electrons correlated with singly ionized neon in the polarization plane of the OTC field with relative phase Δφ between the two color components. The spectra show that the electron emission direction is sensitive to Δφ. Furthermore, the spectra feature a prominent x-shaped central structure and weaker fine-scale modulations due to wave packet interferences. To compare with simulated spectra with strong field approximation (SFA) and solving two-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation (TDSE) with single active electron approximation, we conclude that Coulomb effect plays important role on the spatial distribution of released electron wave packets. In the conference, we will furthermore demonstrate control over the correlation between the two electrons emitted during double ionization upon electron recollision by tuning the shape of the electric field of the OTC pulses on the sub-cycle scale. The results of these experiments are in agreement with theoretical predictions [4].

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