
Determine why introduction of health consulting services via Telehealth video conference consultations failed in residential aged care facilities (RACF). Semistructured interview groups and quantitative survey. Two participating not-for-profit RACF. Managers, employed carers, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, registered nurses, and residents from RACF. A survey initially followed by focus groups that centered on 4 questions. How can computers help improve care? What kind of electronic services and products could help improve care? Who should have access to the technology and why was the technology not used? The survey revealed there was awareness of information and communication technology (ICT) in RACF. However, respondents were uncertain of potential benefits provided to their clients. Only 43% of respondents thought a minority of clients would receive the benefits of ICT use. The focus groups revealed several themes regarding the attitudes toward ICT in RACF. Positive attitudes to ICT included themes of saving time, easier doctor access, cost saving, and improved communications. Negative attitudes included themes of loss of human contact, inadequate training, security barriers, not user friendly, limited ability to comply with suggestions, privacy issues, and capital cost. Residents were also concerned about confidentiality and loss of human interaction with the use of Telehealth in residential aged facilities. More training for staff is required to enable them to use ICT efficiently. ICT hardware and software at the user interface must be designed to maintain confidentiality with ease of access. Access to Telehealth services should not impede the routine delivery of personal care and human contact for residents. Studies are required as to where human input to residents is unable to be replaced by Telehealth services.

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