
The study aims to identify the extent to which decision-makers at the German Jordanian University take into account gender at the level of representation and resources, the factors that help women reach leadership positions, the difficulties they face in the work environment, the attitudes of administrators towards women’s participation in decision-making, and to what extent women are accepted as managers. A descriptive analytical approach was used, by conducting a questionnaire in which the Male administrators and Female administrators at the German Jordanian University participated. The results showed the existence of a gender gap at the level of representation between male and female administrators in favor of male administrators in terms of their occupation of leadership positions and the number of years of service. The study also revealed a gap in the field of participation in courses and conferences, in addition to participation in committees, the number of times they occupied leadership positions, and access to awards. It was also found on the level of resources that there is no gap between them in the field of enrollment in educational missions. The participants agreed that the most important factors that helped women reach leadership positions are due to the sound leadership upbringing within the family. In the field of administrators' attitudes towards the reality of women and their role at work, the results were of high relative importance. Attitudes vary according to gender, educational level, marital status, and number of years of service. The study participants agreed that the best way to achieve gender justice is through equal opportunities.

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