
The current study aimed to identify the level of attitudes of secondary students with learning disability towards the use of the distance learning system in light of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kuwait, the sample of the study consisted of (32) male and female students with learning disabilities at the secondary level. A questionnaire consisting of(23) paragraph and distributed on(3) axes, the results found that the attitudes of students with learning disabilities at the secondary level towards the use of distance learning were positive, with a moderate degree, where the general average was (2.32), with a percentage of (77%). The axis (feelings towards distance learning) ranked first, with an average of (2.37) and a percentage of (79%), followed by the axis (advantages towards distance learning), with an arithmetic average of (2.31), percentage of(77%) while the axis(turnout towards the distance learning) last rank in average (2.29) with a percentage of (76%). The results did not reveal any statistical differences in the level of students' attitudes of learning disability towards distance learning by holding courses, improving the learning environment and distributing brochures that show the importance of using distance learning in teaching.


  • The current study aimed to identify the level of attitudes of secondary students with learning disability towards the use of the distance learning system in light of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kuwait, the sample of the study consisted of (32) male and female students with learning disabilities at the secondary level

  • ‫التعلم لديهم اتجاهات ايجابية متوسطة نحو نظام التعلم عن بعد على هذا المحور‪.‬‬ ‫كما يلاحظ أيضا من الجدول السابق‪ ،‬وجود فقرتين حصلتا على أعلى درجة‪ ،‬الفقرة رقم (‪( )4‬يساعدني‬ ‫نظام التعلم عن بعد على الدراسة والتعلم متى وكيفما أشاء) حيث بلغ المتوسط الحسابي (‪ )2.53‬وبانحراف معياري‬ ‫(‪ )0.62‬وبنسبة مئوية (‪ ،)%84.33‬وتعتبر درجة عالية من الاتجاه‪ ،‬ثم تليها الفقرة رقم ‪ 5‬حيث حصلت على المرتبة‬ ‫الثانية (أتضايق ويصبح الوقت طويل ًا عند دراستي للمواد من خلال نظام التعلم عن بعد)‪ ،‬حيث بلغ المتوسط (‪)2.41‬‬ ‫وبانحراف معياري (‪ )0.79‬وبنسبة مئوية (‪ ،)%80.33‬وتعتبر درجة عالية من الاتجاه‪ .‬ويلاحظ أيضا من الجدول‬ ‫السابق وجود (‪ )3‬فقرات‪ ،‬حصلت على درجة اتجاه مستوى متوسط على هذا المحور‪ ،‬حيث حصلت الفقرة رقم (‪)1‬‬

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The current study aimed to identify the level of attitudes of secondary students with learning disability towards the use of the distance learning system in light of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kuwait, the sample of the study consisted of (32) male and female students with learning disabilities at the secondary level.

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