
The study aimed to identify the relation between renal failure disease and economic difficulties and to identify the patients' attitudes regarding health insurance policies, the quality of services provided according to the type of insurance and their role in reducing those difficulties by social survey method on sample of (40) patients. Results: The economic impact, Jordanian patients holding governmental health insurance suffers the most according to the results , and have high statistically significant, compared to patients of other nationalities. Jordanian renal failure patient holders of governmental health insurance dissatisfaction regarding policies and procedures related to obtaining and renewing health insurance. There is a high level of patients' satisfaction with the quality of services provided to them in Jordan Hospital, where the level of this satisfaction was not affected by the type of insurance and nationality. Recommendations: create a mechanism allows health insurance to cover other aspects which will reduce economic burden on indigent patients, such as transportation allowances, medical tests in the same hospital that the renal patient visits. improve performance and deal more professionally with patients and their families.

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