
The major purpose of this study was to find what attitudes young people-students attending a state university in the Midwest in particular-hold toward premarital sex relations. More specifically the study was designed to seek answers to the following questions: [(1)] What are the attitudes of young people toward premarital sex relations with their anticipated marital partners and with others? [(2)] Are the expressed attitudes of young people toward premarital sex relations influenced by their having had this experience? [(3)] What motivates young people in having premarital sex relations? [4)] What effect does pre-marital sexual intercourse have on a couples relationship? [(5)] What are the reasons young people give for refraining from premarital relations? The data presented were obtained by an anonymous questionnaire given to unmarried students enrolled in introductory and advanced courses in sociology and social work at the University of Wisconsin-Milkaukee in the fall semester of 1957. The questionnaire was given to 182 students in a regular class session. To assure anonymity each student was instructed to deposit his questionnaire in a sealed box provided for this purpose. The questionnaire was completed by all of the students 60 men and 122 women. (excerpt)

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