
Different types of public urban green spaces (PUGS) contain various natural (such as trees, pools, flowerbeds) and artificial elements (such as benches, play equipment, fountains) which contribute to the enjoyment and experience of users. However, which elements users most require, appreciate or notice has rarely been examined as the basis of their choice for specific PUGS, especially in poorer neighbourhoods and countries, where formal PUGS may be limited. The study was carried out in two towns in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, both characterized by high poverty and unemployment levels, low literacy rates and many people living without basic infrastructure and services. To understand the meanings people, have for specific PUGS elements, formal and informal PUGS and peri-urban municipal commonages were assessed with respect to the natural and artificial elements present. A survey of 360 households was conducted across two towns by targeting PUGS users and households within 100 m from the designated PUGS. Approximately 63% of the respondents visited PUGS, with informal PUGS being the most frequented. However, they were strong negative feelings towards some natural elements because of their unkempt nature. Issues of safety, cultural restrictions and lack of recreational facilities were mentioned as some of the specific deterrents against visiting the closest PUGS among different user and age groups. Most respondents emphasized the need for PUGS that are well laid out with maintained lawns, recreational facilities and open vegetation. Thus, the current design and available features within the studied PUGS do not meet local preferences and needs and thus do not contribute to enjoyment as much as they could. Attention needs to be given to understand and incorporate the elements that invoke positive attitudes among urban residents.

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