
Within rheumatology specialty training, direct observation and formal assessment of consultation skills rarely occur. This study explored the attitudes and perceptions of rheumatology specialist registrars (SpRs) and consultants regarding consultation skills training and potential barriers to its successful implementation in the context of specialist training. Semi-structured interviews with rheumatology consultants and focus groups with rheumatology SpRs were conducted in four UK deanery regions. All participants value consultation skills training and believe it requires observation of trainees consulting. The skills of consultant trainers in providing feedback on consulting skills are sometimes sub-optimal. Direct, real time observation of trainees is difficult and happens infrequently. Recording consultations is a potentially attractive alternative. Important issues regarding the successful implementation of videotaped consultations include time constraints, consistency in the assessment of consultation skills, and expertise in providing constructive feedback that is individualised and tailored to the trainee's learning needs.

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