
This paper presents an initial study of teachers’ perspectives and practices on students’ assessment methods regarding the subject of Geology-Geography taught in junior secondary education in Greece. While the application of descriptive assessment is recorded in other European countries, the main focus of the research is the current situation in Greece, as well as the willingness of science teachers to adopt an alternative form of evaluation and the definition of the respective circumstances. The methodology that was followed in this research included questionnaires that were sent to science teachers. Their answers were processed with the IBM SPSS 23 statistical software. The results reveal that most teaching staff surveyed positively acknowledge the need for an effective appraisal system. Their views and opinions on how student assessment contributes to the overall educational procedure were also recorded during the survey. Statistical analysis of the raw data shows that the views and opinions of teaching staff were not differentiated due to their level of experience or their level of education but only due to their field of specialization. The analysis also points to a range of additional factors that impact teaching staff’s preferences and perceptions of the effectiveness of different student appraisal and evaluation approaches. Such factors create skepticism among teachers towards alternative assessment methods, such as descriptive assessment. While this is preliminary research, it raises important issues regarding effective evaluation methods that would promote students’ development.

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