
Abstract. Updating the content of physical education programs in secondary education institution is an urgent task of modern education, in particular the introduction of various kinds of sport activities to the educational process of student youth. In Lyceums with enhanced military and physical training, preparation by means of combat spots, which allow to form adequate professional skills and improve the level of physical fitness of future servicemen. The article considers the use of wrestling means within the lessons of physical culture with high school students, those studying in the lyceum with enhanced military and physical training. Wrestling is a dynamic kind of sports activity, which allows to develop important for the military profession physical qualities (strength, speed- strength, coordination, etc.) and to form appropriate skills of self-defense and attack. It is important to find out the attitude of the students to the use of such means in order to understand their level of motivation and interest and to identify possible ways to improve such physical education programs. Material and methods. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, questionnaire, comparison. The studied students were engaged by the author's program of physical culture during the school year, which provided the use of wrestling means. The focus of funds was different in the first and second semesters. In the first - with an emphasis on methods of strictly regulated exercise and the development of strength and speed- strength qualities, and in the second - with an emphasis on the game and competitive methods and the development of coordination qualities. Purpose: to identify the attitude of high school students to physical education lessons with the use of wrestling means. Results. The students who took part in the questionnaire testified that the program of physical culture with the use of wrestling means arouses in them more interest in comparison with the traditional one. At the same time, students' assessment of two different approaches used in the experimental program indicated the advantage of one that involved the use of mainly game and competitive methods with a focus on the coordination qualities development compared to that based on focused development of strength and speed qualities by strictly regulated exercise methods.


  • У статті розглядається застосування засобів боротьби в межах уроків фізичною культурою з учнями старших класів, що навчаються в ліцеї з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою

  • Updating the content of physical education programs in secondary education institution is an urgent task of modern education, in particular the introduction of various kinds of sport activities to the educational process of student youth

  • The article considers the use of wrestling means within the lessons of physical culture with high school students, those studying in the lyceum with enhanced military and physical training

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У статті розглядається застосування засобів боротьби в межах уроків фізичною культурою з учнями старших класів, що навчаються в ліцеї з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою. Мета: виявити ставлення учнів старших класів до проведення уроків фізичної культури із застосуванням засобів боротьби. Яка підтверджена іншими фахівцями галузі [13, 17] для покращення ставлення сучасних учнів закладів середньої освіти до занять фізичною культурою, стимулювання покращення рівня їхнього фізичного розвитку та підготовленості, існує необхідність у введені до програми з фізичної культури засобів спортивної боротьби.

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