
The research aims to identify the attitude of Al-Qasimia village farmers in Hawija district/ Kirkuk province toward cultivation and consumption white eggplant. As the study of the relationship of the relationship between farmers’ attitudes towards the cultivation and consumption of white eggplant with the variables specific to the farmers represented by (age, educational level, agricultural experience, the size of the farm holding, the area of land planted with eggplant, the income from eggplant cultivation in year). The research included all the farmers of Al-Qasimiyah village in Hawija district / Kirkuk governorate. Their number is (40) farmers. The researchers used the descriptive method in conducting the research. A questionnaire was prepared for collecting research data, which included in the first part questions about some of the distinctive characteristics of farmers in the research area. The second part included a tripartite scale using Likert method consisting of (24) items, its apparent validity was confirmed by presenting it to the experts, its stability was confirmed by the split-half method, which means validity and readiness for measurement. Data was analyzed by using the SPSS program. The results showed that the attitudes of the majority of farmers were neutral to positive towards cultivating and consuming white eggplant. In addition, the results showed the existence of a significant correlation relationship between the attitudes of farmers of the village of Al-Qasimia in Hawija district / Kirkuk governorate and their educational level, while there was no significant correlation with the other variables that were studied.

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