
High‐quality data from 1498 local earthquakes recorded by the PISCO ’94 (Proyecto de Investigatión Sismológica de la Cordillera Occidental, 1994) and ANCORP ’96 (Andean Continental Research Project, 1996) temporary seismological networks allowed the detailed determination of the three‐dimensional (3‐D) attenuation structure (Qp−1) beneath the recent magmatic arc in the western central Andes (20° to 24°S). Assuming a frequency‐independent Qp−1 in a frequency band between 1 and 30 Hz, whole path attenuation (t*) was estimated from the amplitude spectra of the P waves using spectral ratios and a spectral inversion technique. The damped least squares inversion (tomography) of the data reveals a complex attenuation structure. Crust and mantle of the forearc and subducting slab are generally characterized by low attenuation (Qp > 1000). Crust and mantle beneath the magmatic arc show elevated attenuation. The strongest anomaly of extremely low Qp is found in the crust between 22° and 23°S beneath the recent volcanic arc (Qp < 100). N‐S variations can be observed: The western flank of the crustal attenuation anomaly follows the curved course of the volcanic front. North of 21°S the attenuation is less developed. In the northern part of the study area the low‐Qp zone penetrates in the forearc mantle down to the subducting slab. In the south a deeper zone of high attenuation is resolved between 23° and 24°S directly above the subducting slab. Low Qp in the mantle correlates with earthquake clusters. The strong crustal attenuation is confined to the distribution of young ignimbrites and silicic volcanism and is interpreted as a thermally weakened zone with partial melts. The attenuation pattern in the upper mantle might reflect the variable extent of the asthenosphere and maps variations of subduction‐related hydration processes in the mantle wedge from slab‐derived fluids.

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