
Cavity arrays have been previously identified to disrupt the sweep events and consequently the bursting cycle in the boundary layer by capturing the structures responsible for the Reynolds stresses. In the present study, the sensitivity of a flushed-surface cavity array in reducing the turbulent energy production has been investigated. Two plates of varying thicknesses and four different backing cavity volumes were considered, at three different Reynolds numbers. The volume of the backing cavity was shown to be the most important characteristic in determining the attenuation of streamwise velocity fluctuations within the logarithmic region of the turbulent boundary layer. However, the results also demonstrated that the orifice length of the cavity array had negligible effect in modifying the reduction of the turbulent energy by the cavity array in this investigation. The results show that the maximum reduction in turbulence generation achieved for this study occurs when the backing volume is 3.1 × 106 times greater than the viscous length scale at Reθ = 3771. The reduction in turbulence intensity, sweep intensity, and energy spectrum were shown to be 5.6%, 6.3%, and 13.4%, respectively. By decreasing the cavity volume to zero, no change in the turbulent boundary layer turbulence statistics was found. The results suggest a larger reduction in turbulence intensity, sweep intensity, and energy spectrum that can be achieved with a larger backing volume.

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