
Upregulation of nitric oxide (NO) production contributes to the pathogenesis of numerous diseases via S-nitrosylation, a post-translational modification of proteins. This process occurs due to the oxidative reaction between NO and a cysteine thiol group; however, the extent of this reaction remains unknown. S-Nitrosylation of PRMT1, a major asymmetric arginine methyltransferase of histones and numerous RNA metabolic proteins, was induced by NO donor treatment. We found that nitrosative stress leads to S-nitrosylation of cysteine 119, located near the active site, and attenuates the enzymatic activity of PRMT1. Interestingly, RNA sequencing analysis revealed similarities in the changes in expression elicited by NO and PRMT1 inhibitors or knockdown. A comprehensive search for PRMT1 substrates using the proximity-dependent biotin identification method highlighted many known and new substrates, including RNA-metabolizing enzymes. To validate this result, we selected the RNA helicase DDX3 and demonstrated that arginine methylation of DDX3 is induced by PRMT1 and attenuated by NO treatment. Our results suggest the existence of a novel regulatory system associated with transcription and RNA metabolism via protein S-nitrosylation.

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