
Micro-estuaries are small ubiquitous transitional water bodies that are often located in semi-arid zones. Unlike the vastly studied large estuaries, micro-estuaries lack the ability to dilute and contain pollution from point and non-point sources due to low natural water discharges. Therefore, these diverse ecological systems are susceptible to pollutant loads due to prolonged water residence time and complex geochemical dynamics. Although this elevated anthropogenic stress limits their potential to provide ecological and recreational services, micro-estuaries have some traits similar to those found in wetlands, which provide a natural potential to retain and mitigate organic pollutants. A two consecutive years study conducted at the Alexander micro-estuary tracked the influx and outflux of a large organic pollutant mixture during base-flow and flood events. During the research period, 165 kg of active ingredients entered the micro-estuary and 160 kg flowed out to the Mediterranean Sea, suggesting negligible net attenuation. However, this broad picture conceals inner shifts in pollutant mixture loads, which contained 46 pesticides and 19 pharmaceuticals. Only a handful of pollutants were actually balanced, whereas most compounds were either removed or added to the flow, with no observed correlation to chemical properties. A prominent observation was the load increase along the flow for some pollutants during base-flow conditions. This trend, which was correlated with salinity elevation and was verified in lab experiments, suggests that seawater intrusion to the bottom of the estuary may increase desorption rates of pollutants from the estuary bed, creating an estuarine desorption magnification effect. The combination of strong anthropogenic stress with increased desorption rates severely limits the estuary's potential to mitigate pollutants, frequently transforming it into a pollution source rather than a sink.

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