
Wide range frequency bandwidth on seismic data is a necessity due to its close relation to resolution and depth of target. High-frequency seismic waves provide high-resolution imaging that defines thin bed layers in shallow sediment, while low-frequency seismic waves can penetrate into deeper target depth. As a result of broadband seismic technology, its wide range of frequency bandwidth is a suitable geophysical exploration method in the oil and gas industry. A major obstacle that is frequently found in marine seismic data acquisition is the existence of multiples. Short period multiple and reverberation are commonly attenuated by the predictive deconvolution method on prestack data. Advanced methods are needed to suppress long period multiple in marine seismic data. The 2D broadband marine seismic data from deep Morowali Waters, Sulawesi, contains both short and long period multiples. The predictive deconvolution, which is applied to the processing sequences, successfully eliminates short period multiple on prestack data. The combination of F-k filter and Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) methods are successful in attenuating long period multiple of the 2D broadband marine seismic data. The Prestack Time Migration section shows fine resolution of seismic images.

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