
Rainfall–runoff events occurring in vineyard fields can result in pesticide ground losses and the subsequent pollution of surface water bodies, derivate from the crop protection spray applications. In this study, the capacity of vegetated buffer strips (BS) to prevent surface water pollution due to the application of five fungicide products typically used in vineyards (copper, dimethomorph, oxathiapiprolin, zoxamide, acibenzolar-s-methyl, and laminarin) following a simulated run-off event has been assessed, and compared to that from a bare ground soil (BG). Two strips (5 m in length, each), one with vegetation and the other without were built up, and two different experiments were performed, a runoff event and a soil fungicide degradation kinetic evaluation. The runoff results show that fungicide mass retention in the strips ranged from 73 to 98% and that the presence of vegetation in BS increased the fungicide mass retention in the strips by almost 10% (on average) in comparison to the unvegetated strip. Moreover, soil degradation studies highlighted that the presence of vegetation reduces significantly the half-time life of almost all the studied fungicides by 55%, on average. Eight fungicide transformation products (TPs) were identified following a runoff event in the soil strips, but the abundance of these TPs was up to 78% lower in vegetated strips. These results highlight the effectiveness of using vegetated buffer zones in vineyards to protect aquatic ecosystem pollution.

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