
Part 1 Introduction: a multidisciplinary approach the goals of attention the manifestations of attention the expression of attention plan of the book. Part 2 Selective attention: early theories of selective attention selection of what, where and which six properties of the attended area metaphors of selective attention selection of an object in a cluttered field experimental tasks selective attention to actions summary. Part 3 Preparatory attention and maintenance attention: preparatory attention attentional preparation or cognitive expectation? perceptual preparations for objects and their attributes perceptual preparation for locations of objects the peaked distribution of attentional activity shifting visual attention through space the resource view of preparatory attention maintenance attention summary. Part 4 Attentional processing in cortical areas: areas of specialized (modular) processing attention to object information in ventral cortical streams attention to spatial information in dorsal cortical streams attentional control versus attentional expression summary. Part 5 Attentional processing in two subcortical areas the superior colliculus the thalamus thalamic circuitry. Part 6 A cognitive-neuroscience model of attention processes in shape identification an experimental trial containing a warning signal and a target summary - the expression, mechanism and control of attention in shape identification. Part 7 Synopsis: a cognitive-neuroscience theory of attention.

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