
Pictorial stimuli were presented in a Stroop task paradigm that enabled the recording of attentional bias. The sample comprised 33 pathological slot machine gamblers (PG) and 22 control participants. The design of the study had one between-subjects factor – Group (PGs vs control), and two within-subject factors: (1) Stimulus meaning (win-related gambling stimuli vs neutral stimuli) and (2) Exposure (subliminal vs supraliminal). The results supported the notion that the PG group had an attentional bias towards visual win-related gambling stimuli compared with the control group. Furthermore, the degree of attentional bias among the PG group was moderately negatively correlated with net loss in the week before testing. One possible treatment implication of the findings is to include in-vivo exposure sessions as a supplement to cognitive behavioural therapy for gambling. Future studies could also include non-win gambling-related stimuli and should also comprise non-pathological regular gamblers as an additional control group.

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