
1. Historical Overview of Research on Attention - with Kim-Phuong L. Vu The Philosophical Period The Period from 1860 to 1909 The Period from 1910 to 1949 The Period from 1950 to 1974 The Period from 1975 to Present Summary & Preview of the Book 2. Information Processing & the Study of Attention The Information Processing Approach Mental Resources Behavioral Measures Signal Detection Methods Psychophysiological Measures Brain Imaging Techniques Summary 3. Selective Visual Attention The Function of Selective Attention The Locus of Selection The Spotlight of Attention Exogenous & Endogenous Orienting Space-based versus Object-based Attention Visual Search Combining Object- and Space-based Selection in Theories of Visual Attention Summary 4. Auditory & Crossmodal Attention Auditory Selective Attention Divided Auditory Attention Alerting & Orienting Functions of Auditory Attention Attentional Set Cross-modal Attention Summary 5. Attention & Inhibition Types of Inhibition (Attempted) Inhibition of Irrelevant Information Inhibition of Return Visual Marking Negative Priming Inhibition of Thought & Action Responding to a Signal to Stop Summary. 6. Multiple-Task Performance Managing Attentional Resources Setting Goals & Intentions Control of Multi-step Tasks Intentional Control & Multitasking Attention & Skill A Closer Look at Dual-task Performance Summary 7. Memory & Attention - with Mark Nieuwenstein Sensory Memory Working Memory The Role of Attention in Encoding & Retrieval Memory Consolidation & Attention The Bottleneck Model Revisited Procedural Memory Implicit Learning Attention, Memory, & Skill Summary 8. Attention & Displays - with Kim-Phuong L. Vu Visual Displays Organization of Displays Auditory & Multisensory Displays Supervisory Control Complex Tasks & Display Arrangements Sustained Attention & Vigilance Summary 9. Mental Workload & Situation Awareness Processing Resources Processing Strategies Measuring Mental Workload Situation Awareness Human Error Summary 10. Individual Differences in Attention Attentional Ability Attention & Intelligence Intra-individual Differences in Attention Attention Across the Lifespan Training & Attention Attention, & Memory & Emotion Summary 11. The Neural Basis of Attention - Robert Melara Tools of the Cognitive Neuroscientist Mismatch Negativity: The Automatic Detection of Change Selective Attention The Duality of Selection The Sources of Selective Control The Sites of Selective Control Attentional Networks Summary. 12. Disorders of Attention - with Edward de Haan & Roy Kessels Developmental Attention Disorders Attention Deficits Due to Focal Lesions & Hemorrhage Attention Deficits Following Diffuse Injury Measuring Attention Deficits Dementia Attention Deficits in Psychiatric Patients Treatment of Attention Deficits Summary References

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