
Our understanding of developmental changes in attentional selection in the growing child has been advanced substantially by the results of (a relatively small number of) studies undertaken from a psychophysiological perspective. The basic outcome of these studies is that, in attentional filtering as well as selective set (the two basic paradigms in attention research), the processes necessary for attentional selection are in essence available even to the young child; however, the speed and efficiency of these processes tends to increase as the child grows into an adolescent. Under optimal conditions, filtering is performed at early stages of information processing, but less optimal stimulus characteristics and task requirements may induce a shift in the locus of selection to later processing stages for young children whereas older individuals are better able to preserve their early locus of selection. When early selection is constrained, young children are substantially more sensitive to the adverse effects of response competition. In selective set, sub-optimal conditions lead not so much to a shift in locus of selection processes, but to a shift in the age at which asymptote efficiency is attained. We have proposed hierarchical regression analysis as a useful technique to examine whether age-related differences in attention effects, as observed in specific ERP components and in RT, are reflections of an age effect on a single source of attentional selection or of separate sources that each contribute uniquely to the developmental trends seen in (attention effects on) RT. Re-analyses of existing data demonstrated that (again depending on task specifics) many but not all of the different component processes involved in attentional selection contributed unique variance to the age-related changes in attention effects.

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