
Attendance management system is a required tool for attaining attendance in any habitat where attendance is essential. Yet, many of the available techniques consume time, are invasive and it demands manual work from the users. This research is directed at building a less invasive, cost effective and more efficient automated student attendance management system using face recognition that leverages on OpenCV functions for facial recognition. The system provides a GUI for marking attendance. It provides an interface for updating attendance using facial recognition libraries of OpenCV. The system stores attendance in a database which is maintained by the administrator. The administrator can view, update, and change the attendance of the students. The students can view and update their attendance. The system is developed on Open-Source image processing library and the interface is developed using Python Tkinter module. The Tkinter module is an open-source module by which we can develop GUI screens hence, it is not software dependent nor vendor hardware. The OpenCV module used for image processing is interfaced using python.

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