
A 5-yr-old female African rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) presented with an ulcerated mass in the medial postpatagial area of the right wing. Biopsy specimens of the mass demonstrated a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Photodynamic therapy resulted in tumor cell necrosis and initial reduction in tumor burden, but complete remission was not achieved. Based on this and other avian cases, it appears that photodynamic therapy designed to eradicate squamous cell carcinoma in avian species using protocols modeled after canine, feline, and human photodynamic therapy protocols may not be useful. It is hypothesized that differences in light penetration, photosensitizing agent pharmacokinetics, and wound healing properties in avian species necessitate alteration of photodynamic therapy protocols if this treatment modality is to be effective in avian oncology.

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