
The object of study was the regeneration of Pharbitis nil by direct and indirect organogenesis. From fragments of roots, cotyledons, hypocotyls and epicotyls on Murashige and Skoog nutrient solution (MS) supplemented with naphtalenacetic acid (NAA) or indolylacetic acid (IAA; both at 0.1 mg·dm−3 concentration) in the presence of benzylaminopurine (BAP), zeatin or kinetin (all at 5 mg·dm−3 concentration) only root organogenesis was obtained. Likewise, when using the two-step method (2 or 5 days exposure to NAA or IAA at 2 mg·dm−3 concentration followed by exposure to BAP or zeatin at 1 or 2 mg·dm−3 concentration) root organogenesis was observed in all types of explants. Moreover, shoot buds were formed on fragments of epicotyl exposed vertically in relation to the medium. However, attempts at regenerating complete plants from them failed, so did the regeneration of P. nil from callus. The roots were formed in callus cultures only.

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