
Purpose. Assessment of the effectiveness of activities undertaken as part of creating and managing the country’s tourism brand by National Tourism Organisations (NTO). Method. Empirical research concerned activities undertaken in relation to the creation and management of the country’s tourism brand by 81 NTOs that function in the area of five main world tourist regions (according to the World Tourism Organisation – UNWTO). The process of data collection and verification covers the years of 2013-2016. The used research methods include: the diagnostic survey method with the use of the questionnaire technique, direct interviews and statistical analyses. Results. Significant divergences were confirmed in the assessment concerning the effectiveness of individual activities undertaken by the NTOs examined in the area of creating and managing the country’s tourism brand. The initial hierarchy of the effectiveness of activities undertaken by the NTOs examined as part of the process of the management of the country’s tourism brand (conducted by the examined organisations) was not confirmed by the results of statistical analysis (correlations with the accepted measures of effectiveness). This is related to quasi-governmental and non-governmental organisations. Research and conclusions limitations. Empirical research solely concerned the functioning of those organisations which can be referred to as rightful NTOs, i.e. those entities which meet the basic criteria that are to be fulfilled by this type organisation (including the main task: promotion of a given country as an attractive tourist destination). Practical implications. Conclusions that follow from the study can be used by those organisations responsible for the brand management process related to a tourist reception area on different levels of administration (including local, regional and national entities). Originality. This type of analysis has not been conducted until now. Therefore, the present study offers a novel approach to the functioning of national tourism organisations by presenting the broadest ever spectrum of areas of interests related to this type organisation. Type of work. The article predominantly presents the results of empirical research.

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