
The article deals with new family structures as consequences of temporal migration of one or both parents abroad, while their children live in Lithuania alone, looked after by relatives, state institutions. The extent of this trend poses a challenge to family institution. The questions are raised whether these transnational family structures become an alternative to a nuclear family as was the case with cohabitation, commuting families, and LATs? What cognitive and emotional charge is contained within the public discourse of these families and how these new structures can be conceptualized in the academic field? The authors of the article seek to discuss the results of three sociological research studies, carried out from 2004 to 2006. Triangulation of methods and theoretical reflection of this new family form is presented. The data disclose the way families with parents abroad are portrayed in Lithuanian press and internet portal. Stigmatization and stigma management strategies experienced by children are reported. Theoretical reflection of new family form in terms of family stress and social exchange theories are discussed as well as explication of risk dimension and social networking are suggested.


  • The article deals with new family structures as consequences of temporal migration of one or both parents abroad, while their children live in Lithuania alone, looked after by relatives, state institutions

  • The extent of this trend poses a challenge to family institution

  • The questions are raised whether these transnational family structures become an alternative to a nuclear family as was the case with cohabitation, commuting families, and LATs? What cognitive and emotional charge is contained within the public discourse of these families and how these new structures can be conceptualized in the academic field?

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Kultûros sociologija

Ðeimos nariø laikina emigracija ið Lietuvos nëra naujas reiðkinys, taèiau jo mastai tampa iððûkiu ðeimos institutui. Ar ðie transnacionaliniai ðeiminiai dariniai taps alternatyva branduolinei ðeimai, kaip kadaise ja tapo sugyvenimas, ðvytuoklinës ðeimos, sambûvis pavieniui? Emigracija nëra naujas reiðkinys, taèiau jo mastai tampa iððûkiu ðeimos institutui.[3] Iðgyvenimo reikmës koreguoja tarpasmeninius santykius poroje, tarp tëvø ir vaikø ir telkia þmones ne tik giminystës ryðiø, bet ir bendrø vertybiø ir interesø pagrindu. Kaip vertinti ðiuos ðeiminio gyvenimo pokyèius bei visuomeniðkumo proverþius? Ar ðie transnacionaliniai ðeiminiai dariniai, iðoriniø ir vidiniø mainø susietos socialinës ðeimos, inicijuotos emigracijos procesø, taps viena ið alternatyvø branduolinei ðeimai, kaip kadaise ja tapo sugyvenimas Ar Lietuvoje atotolio ðeimos ásitvirtins kaip „norma“, analogiðkai Filipinieèiø ðeimoms?5. Remsimës VU FSF Sociologijos katedroje veikianèios „Ðeimos tyrimo” grupës kuriama teorine ir empirine baze

Atotolio ðeima Lietuvos spaudoje ir internetiniame portale DELFI
Atotolio ðeimø struktûrinë charakteristika
Atotolio vaikø emocinës savijautos ir bendravimo ypatumø reprezentacija
Teorinë atotolio ðeimos refleksija
Dar keletas eksplikacijø
Atotolio ðeimø sociologinio tyrimo gairës
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