
This review summarizes and discusses the individual atomizers of volatile compounds. A set of criteria important for analytical praxis is used to rank all the currently existing approaches to the atomization based on on-line atomization for atomic absorption (AAS) and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) as well as on in-atomizer trapping for AAS. Regarding on-line atomization for AAS, conventional quartz tubes are currently the most commonly used devices. They provide high sensitivity and low baseline noise. Running and investment costs are low. The most serious disadvantage is the poor resistance against atomization interferences and often unsatisfactory linearity of calibration graphs. Miniature diffusion flame (MDF) is extremely resistant to interferences, simple, cheap and user-friendly. Its essential disadvantage is low sensitivity. A novel device, known as a multiatomizer, was designed to overcome disadvantages of previous atomizers. It matches performance of conventional quartz tubes in terms of sensitivity and baseline noise as well as in running and investment costs. The multiatomizer, however, provides much better (i) resistance against atomization interferences and (ii) linearity of calibration graphs. In-atomizer trapping enhances the sensitivity of the determination and eliminates the effect of the generation kinetics and of surges in gas flow on the signal shape. This is beneficial for the accuracy of the determination. It could also be an effective tool for reducing some interferences in the liquid phase. In-situ trapping in graphite furnaces (GF) is presently by far the most popular approach to the in-atomizer trapping. Its resistance against interferences is reasonably good and it can be easily automated. In-situ trapping in GF is a mature method well established in various application fields. These are the reasons to rank in-situ trapping in GF as currently the most convenient approach to hydride atomization for AAS. The recently suggested approach, trapping on quartz surfaces in an excess of oxygen with subsequent atomization in multiatomizer or in conventional quartz tubes, is very promising. It requires only simple and cheap equipment. The potential to reach very low detection limits is even better than for in-situ trapping in GF. However, it is a novel method which will have to be tested more extensively before it can considered to be a tool for routine analysis. Almost all the applications of AFS employ a miniature diffusion flame for the atomization. The alternative, the flame-in-gas-shield atomizer, is more complicated but it offers a substantially better signal to noise ratio. The current state-of-the-art of all individual atomizers, including advantages, drawbacks and perspectives, is recapitulated in detail. Also the most recent knowledge of the mechanism of processes taking place in the atomizers is treated.

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