
THE Atomic Scientists' Association has issued a pamphlet entitled “Atomic Survey” , which is a short guide to the scientific and political problems of atomic energy. The authors are Prof. P. B. Moon, secretary of the Association (Physics Dept., The University, Birmingham), and Dr. E. H. S. Burhop, both of whom are well-known nuclear physicists, and have been engaged on the atomic bomb project. In the preface, which is contributed by Prof. R. E. Peierls, it is pointed out that the subject of atomic energy is of great topical interest and importance and that many people, quite rightly, hold strong views on the proper use of this source of power. Strong views should be based on accurate information, and although it requires an expert to understand all the technical details, it is possible to present the essential facts of atomic energy in simple language so that even the non-expert may grasp them. This the pamphlet does admirably. In its thirty-two pages, divided into fourteen brief sections, there is little, if any, information which has not already appeared elsewhere ; but this is probably the first time that it has been collected together into a connected and concise form. The section headings -the elements ; radioactivity and nuclear reactions; the chain reaction pile ; pile problems and prospects ; separation of uranium 235 from mixed uranium ; the physical effects and defence against the atomic bomb ; the constructive application of, and military strategic significance of, atomic energy ; the British atomic energy programme ; the scientist and atomic energy ; the control of atomic energy ; and the immediate steps to ease the tension caused by the atomic bomb-are an excellent guide to the matters discussed.

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