
This review describes developments in atomic spectrometry relevant to environmental analysis reported in Atomic Spectrometry Updates References in JAAS, Volume 1 (other than in the initial supplement). Thus it follows the review published last year (86/1814) and is also concerned with the analysis of the atmosphere, waters, effluents, soils, plants, fertilisers and related materials. The full references, names and address of authors can be readily found from the Atomic Spectrometry Updates References in JAAS, Volume 1, however, as an additional service to readers an abbreviated form of each literature reference quoted (except for those to Conference Proceedings) is given at the end of the review. This innovation is in response to the suggestions of readers, and other comments as to possible improvements in future reviews are always welcome. It is hoped that succeeding reviews in this series will be extended to include X-ray spectrometry although this current review is principally concerned with the applications of AAS, AFS and AES (with arcs, sparks, plasmas, flames, furnaces and lasers) as well as ICP-MS. The format of the tables is as last year, in addition to the abbreviations listed elsewhere, Hy is used to show where hydride generation was used and S, L and G in the “Analyte form” column signify solid, liquid or gaseous sample introduction, respectively.

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