
The minimization of Frobenius angles between functional subspaces spanned by different sets of atomic functions is employed to determine the values of orbital exponents ξ characterizing minimum atomic parameters/Moscow–Aachen–Paris (MAP) basis sets providing the best representation of two Hartree–Fock based atomic basis sets: that of Bunge et al. available for elements H–Xe and that of Koga and Thakkar spanning H to Lr (Z = 103). So-extracted values of exponents follow piecewise linear laws as functions of the nuclear charge Z resembling the prescriptions set by Slater rules for the orbital exponents. In details, however, the rules proposed by Slater are not precisely followed, neither for effective principal quantum numbers n* nor screening increments σ. Nevertheless, the linear pieces of the ξ vs. Z follow the structure of the Periodic Table being specific for the segments corresponding to p-, d- (transition), and f- (Lanthanides and Actinides) elements, respectively.

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