
The effect of field fluctuations on the motion of a two-level atom in resonant laser radiation is investigated theoretically. The internal motion of the atom is treated quantum mechanically (optical Bloch equations); the translational motion, which is coupled to the internal motion, is treated classically (Ehrenfest's theorem); and the fluctuating radiation is treated as a classical electromagnetic wave with stochastic phase (phase-diffusion model). An expression for the radiation force and equations of motion for the ensemble-averaged Bloch vector are derived and used to calculate (i) the radiation force in a plane running wave, (ii) the steady-state radiation force in a general standing wave, and (iii) the dissipative force in a plane standing wave in the limit of strong phase fluctuations. In case (iii) it is found that the atomic velocity is damped when the radiation is tuned above resonance, which is opposite to the case of a weak coherent standing wave, in which damping occurs for radiation tuned below resonance. It is shown that fluctuations have a substantial effect on the radiation force only when the spectral width of the radiation approaches or exceeds the spontaneous emission rate.

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