
We discuss techniques for probing the effects of a constant force acting on cold atoms using two configurations of a grating echo-type atom interferometer. Laser-cooled samples of ${}^{85}$Rb with temperatures as low as 2.4 $\ensuremath{\mu}$K have been achieved in a new experimental apparatus with a well-controlled magnetic environment. We demonstrate interferometer signal lifetimes approaching the transit time limit in this system ($\ensuremath{\sim}270$ ms), which is comparable to the time scale achieved by Raman interferometers. Using these long time scales, we experimentally investigate the influence of a homogeneous magnetic field gradient using two- and three-pulse interferometers, which enable us to sense changes in externally applied magnetic field gradients as small as $\ensuremath{\sim}4\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}5}$ G/cm. We also provide an improved theoretical description of signals generated by both interferometer configurations that accurately models experimental results. With this theory, absolute measurements of $B$ gradients at the level of $3\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}4}$ G/cm are achieved. Finally, we contrast the suitability of the two- and three-pulse interferometers for precision measurements of the gravitational acceleration, $g$.

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