
Summary o (1) Weather as distinct from climate is a factor having definite effects on tuberculous patients undergoing sanatorium treatment. (2) Suggestions are made for heating of wards, pavilions and chalets as a means of assisting in the comfort and length of stay of patients. (3) As the result of observations made during the period 1938 to 1943 upon 754 pulmonary cases undergoing sanatorium treatment it was lound that 14.8 per cent of the patients were affected by certain atmospheric conditions. (4) The effects of rapid changes in the weather upon pulmonary cases of tuberculosis are shown as well as the influence upon them of atmospheric temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and the part played by moistureladen west winds and cold, dry east winds. (5) Mention is made of the tuberculous bronchitic as being particularly susceptible to atmospheric environment. (6) Certain interesting facts in domestic meteorology are discussed. (7) The possibility is included of the utilization of modern air-conditioning in sanatoria with special reference to major thoracic surgery in cases of tuberculosis.

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