
Back to table of contents Previous article Next article Annual Meeting Course GuideFull AccessAtlanta, May 21-26, 2005David H. Taylor, M.D.David H. TaylorSearch for more papers by this author, M.D.Published Online:21 Jan 2005https://doi.org/10.1176/pn.40.2.00400029Participants of APA's 2005 annual meeting in Atlanta interested in registering for CME courses will have 101 courses from which to choose. The Subcommittee on Courses is proud once again to offer a broad educational program covering an array of clinical, research, and administrative topics. Course faculty will present the most up-to-date information and its application to current clinical practice.,©2003, Kevin C.Rose/AtlantaPhotos.comThere will be 26 new courses introducing new topics and faculty and 75 highly evaluated repeat courses from last year's meeting. Topics include psychotherapy for cancer patients, sexual medicine, posttraumatic stress disorder, geriatric psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry, and the history of psychiatry. Innovative courses will showcase useful technologies such as Pocket PC, PDAs, MAPSS, EEG, and CADI. Courses will teach meditation and broaden our understanding of the value of yoga for psychiatric disorders. Acknowledged masters of the craft will offer participants the opportunity to refresh traditional skills in interviewing and psychotherapy. Courses will again be taught by such leaders in the field as Drs. Coffey, Karasu, Kernberg, Markowitz, Post, and Resnick.CME courses provide an excellent opportunity to reconsider and deepen essential skills of our profession and equip ourselves for the challenges of the future. Courses are designed to emphasize educational content, provide creative presentation, and offer ample opportunity for direct participant-faculty interaction. The quality of audiovisual aids, handouts, and references is carefully evaluated to ensure that they are both relevant and up to date.In addition to me, the members of the Subcommittee on Courses are David A. Baron, D.O., Stephanie LeMelle, M.D., and Linda L.M. Worley, M.D. Along with CME course administrator Elizabeth Rumsey and course assistant Yashica Joyner, we have worked hard to evaluate course submissions critically to provide an exceptional educational experience for all.Pre-enrollment for CME courses is open to all annual meeting registrants. You are encouraged to enroll early during the pre-enrollment period to avoid the potential disappointment of having your chosen course(s) fully subscribed. The maximum number of participants for each course is stated in the description, as well as the date, time, location, and fee. Please use the Advance Registration and Course Enrollment form included in the Advance Registration Information Booklet or the on-site course enrollment form when making your selection(s).All registration and pre-enrollment forms must be received at APA on or before April 23. Tickets for CME courses not sold by that date will be on sale beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21, at the CME Course Enrollment Area in the Georgia World Congress Center. Only those who have registered for the annual meeting may purchase course tickets.Chair, Subcommittee on Courses ISSUES NewArchived

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