
Grapevine rust is caused by the fungus Phakopsora euvitis . It is a major foliar disease of grapevines in Brazil. In this study, the pre- and post-infection activities of potassium phosphite were compared to the standard grapevine fungicides copper hydroxide and tebuconazole. Experiments were conducted on ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapevines ( Vitis labrusca ) that were grown in pots. The plants were sprayed at two, five or eight days before (with protectant) or after (with a curative spray) inoculation with a urediniospore suspension (105 spores per mL) of P. euvitis until the suspension was running off the leaves. The resulting disease was quantified by the number of pustules per cm2 in four regions of each leaf blade in four leaves per plant. The pre-infection potassium phosphite treatment reduced pustule development by 64% when applied five days prior to rust inoculation, whereas the copper hydroxide and tebuconazole reduced pustule development by 99% and 100%, respectively. The potassium phosphite post-infection treatment reduced pustule development by 58% when applied two days after rust inoculation. The tebuconazole and copper hydroxide reduced disease development by 100% and 60%, respectively, following post-infection treatment. Potassium phosphite had a weaker post-infection activity against urediniospore germination than copper hydroxide.

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