
The title mineral has been discovered in a granitic pegmatite at the Stetind quarry, Tysfjord, Norway. Atelisite-(Y) forms pale brown to colourless, transparent crystals of dipyramidally terminated, short-prismatic habit with a diameter of up to 0.3 mm. Based on electron microprobe analysis and 16 anions per formula unit, the empirical formula is (Y 3.11 Yb 0.46 Er 0.19 Dy 0.11 Gd 0.09 Ho 0.01 Tb 0.02 ) ∑3.99 Si 2.40 O 16 H 10.43 The presence of hydroxyl-groups is inferred from the detection of OH-stretching modes near 3225 cm −1 in Raman spectra of the new mineral. The crystal structure of atelisite was solved and refined on single-crystal X-ray diffraction data in space group I 42 d , with a = 6.947(4), c = 6.133(3) A, V = 295.98(28) A 3 . Site occupancy refinement at the 4a-site approaches 3/4 Si-occupancy, if the 4b-site is fully occupied by Y and Yb, with a refined Y/Yb ratio of 4. This suggests an idealized formula of Y 4 Si 3 O 8 (OH) 8 for atelisite-(Y). The crystal structure of the new mineral is of particular interest with regard to the known occurrence of hydrous species in the nominally anhydrous minerals xenotime and zircon.

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