
At the War Museum Jay Rogoff (bio) Even with hers grown up, she's never nota mother, viewing Children of the Blitz,reading words of evacuated kids:"Today I gathered eggs warm from the nestand didn't break one." Her eyes magnify, moistwith the elixir that can't save the world.A card scribbled en route to Canada—"The captain is so nice. Tonight we ateat his table, and for our sweet had custard!"—found waterlogged, weeks after the torpedo—"and Mummy, I haven't once got seasick yet!" [End Page 274] Jay Rogoff Jay Rogoff's chapbook of sonnets, Twenty Danses Macabres, was published in the fall of 2010 by Spring Garden Press as winner of the Robert Watson Poetry Award. His next full-length collection, The Art of Gravity, will appear from LSU Press in 2011. Copyright © 2011 Jay Rogoff

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