
We address the question whether the super-Heisenberg scaling for quantum estimation is realizable. We unify the results of two approaches. In the first one, the original system is compared with its copy rotated by the parameter dependent dynamics. If the parameter is coupled to the one-body part of the Hamiltonian the precision of its estimation is known to scale at most as $N^{-1}$ (Heisenberg scaling) in terms of the number of elementary subsystems used, $N$. The second approach considers fidelity at criticality often leading to an apparent super-Heisenberg scaling. However, scaling of time needed to ensure adiabaticity of the evolution brings back the the Heisenberg limit. We illustrate the general theory on a ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain which exhibits such super-Heisenberg scaling of fidelity around the critical value of the magnetic field. Even an elementary estimator represented by a single-site magnetization already outperforms the Heisenberg behavior providing the $N^{-1.5}$ scaling. In this case Fisher information sets the ultimate scaling as $N^{-1.75}$ which can be saturated by measuring magnetization on all sites simultaneously. We discuss universal scaling predictions of the estimation precision offered by such observables, both at zero and finite temperatures, and support them with numerical simulations in the model. We provide an experimental proposal of realization of the considered model via mapping the system to ultra-cold bosons in periodically shaken optical lattice. We explicitly derive that the Heisenberg limit is recovered when time needed for preparation of quantum states involved is taken into acocunt.


  • At the center of quantum metrology [1,2,3,4] lies the concept of estimation of a small external parameter with the help of a quantum procedure

  • The Eq (17) is saturating the bound provided by the fidelity susceptibility and Eq (18) is close to it for small [h]; see below for the derivation under the assumption that in a ddimensional system the correlation function is vanishing with distance r slower than r−d, and that the hyperscaling relations hold

  • Those scalings are closely connected with the important observation that fidelity susceptibility (QFI)

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At the center of quantum metrology [1,2,3,4] lies the concept of estimation of a small external parameter with the help of a quantum procedure. We show that the overlap measurement contains an additional ingredient, namely, the time it takes to transform one ground state into another one at a slightly different parameter value This may be translated into the additional N-power scaling of time in the vicinity of the critical point if one assumes adiabatic dynamics, which is a necessity if we are to compare ground states. This allows us to reconcile the two approaches to quantum metrology. By factoring out the evolution time we illustrate that the ground-state approach naturally satisfies the Heisenberg limit as it is understood in the rotational scenario. In the Appendix, we discuss a universal estimator-type measurement in the paradigm where the original reference state and the specific quadratic interactions are accessible

Characteristic timescale
Error propagation formula in the adiabatic limit
Consistency with the rotational scenario
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